International Cooperation

Humanitarian Aid

Sri Lanka - Reconstruction and Livelihood

Sri Lanka – Reconstruction and Livelihood

Ruth Daellenbach’s consultancy in humanitarian aid is focussing on the phases of rehabilitation and reconstruction, specifically including the approach of „linking relief and rehabilitation to development LRRD“ in order to strengthen the sustainability of humanitarian interventions.

The services

  • Strategies and concepts: assessments, backstopping and elaboration, project designs
  • Project management
  • Moderation
  • Evaluations

Development cooperation

In development cooperation, she pursues an approach that empowers people to be the responsible actors for their own development. In this sense she concentrates on the following subjects:

Decent work and labour market: Development aid promotes acces to jobs and income by supporting the development of market systems for the poor. It also advocates for decent work, labour rights and social standards in order to protect people from exploitation.

Governance and democratic participation: International cooperation supports the development of democratic institutions, structures and processes. It empowers civil society to engage in democratic participation.

Education: Development cooperation supports adequate education models on the institutional and methodical level. It promotes innovation and the cooperation between state actors and civil society. If needed it engages in the informal educational sector.

Gender aspects should be integrated on an institutional and operational level in humanitarian aid as well as in development cooperation.

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